EkinexLab Webinar

Explore our rich webinar calendar and discover a world of knowledge and innovation. With interactive sessions led by industry experts, our webinars offer an opportunity to enrich your skills and stay up-to-date with the latest trends. Whether you are looking to deepen your knowledge in a specific field or explore new areas of interest, our webinars are designed to inspire and inform.


Consumption data, smart decisions: discover Ekinex metering

Energy is the beating heart of every modern building. But how much do we really know about our consumption? How much can we improve? Ekinex invites you on a journey into the future of smart metering, where precision and technology come together to offer you smart solutions that turn data into value. Register now and bring innovation to your building's energy management.
Valerio Cappelli

Product Manager

9:00 - 9:45

sign up for the webinar

Invisible Player: a new way to experience and perceive sound

Invisible Player, transforms the walls of your home or office into powerful sound speakers. Thanks to its revolutionary acoustic technology, every surface becomes an instrument that vibrates and spreads music, creating an enveloping and unique sound experience. No longer just speakers: it is your environment that plays, creating spaces that interact with you in surprising ways.
Ivo Panero

Product Manager

9:00 - 9:45

watch the recording

Compatibility of Ekinex solutions with third-party systems

Make the most of the versatility of the new FF OMNIA buttons, touch displays Delégo Panel Smart and of the Dico IP Video Door Phone, integrating them with third-party technologies!
Attend this exclusive webinar to discover how our devices can adapt and communicate seamlessly with other systems to create unified, state-of-the-art automation experiences.
Ivo Panero

Product Manager

Manuele Perrone

Product Manager

9:00 - 9:45

watch the recording

New Delégo and Delégo Panels

Presentation of the new Delégo Server, new hardware with four times the performance, new also on the graphic interface, now even more flexible and configurable. Also new on the Delégo Panels, new Ekinex App Store to be able to easily download third-party apps to the panels.
Claudio Caldera

Software R&D Manager

9:00 - 10:00

watch the recording

The New Dico video door phone

Discover the functionality and design of Dico, the IP video door phone that fits in perfectly with the Ekinex proposal.
This product was immediately appreciated by our customers for its versatility and design and we wanted to enrich it with new features and new finishes.
Come and discover all the new features in this webinar!

Ivo Panero

Product Manager

9:00 - 9:45

watch the recording

In-depth Planner Webinar

Create your own project, define the requirements of a system, choose the most suitable finishes and give a personal touch to the buttons: this is what the Ekinex Planner is all about. You can start from scratch and request for a quote, or save your ideas and use them later.

Define the requirements for your project and enter the world of Ekinex with your ideas!

Alessadro Pisani

Creative Director

9:00 - 10:00

watch the recording

Climatic Comfort

Join our webinar dedicated to climate comfort.

The regulation of heating and cooling systems has the task of controlling the temperature and humidity of the air inside rooms and ensuring comfort conditions.
In addition to being inefficient, sub-optimal regulation can often result in higher energy expenditure than necessary.

During the webinar, the types of regulation and their configuration in ETS will be analysed for the commissioning of efficient radiant and air systems.
Stefano Galli

Sales Technical Support Manager

9:00 - 10:00

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Delégo Server: general overview and introduction to programming

Join our webinar dedicated to providing an overview of the Delégo webserver. Get all the information regarding the technologies managed by the device, graphical visualization via app and browser, and an introductory overview of configuring a KNX system!
Claudio Caldera

Software R&D Manager

9:00 - 10:00

watch the recording

Presentation of new Who We Are Tech catalogue and Sales Kit range

Join our webinar dedicated to the presentation of the new Who We Are Tech and our Sales Kit range. An opportunity to get to know and learn more about the new catalogue offering an overview of the devices and our Sales Kit, a set of marketing tools designed to support the sales force in proposing Ekinex solutions.
Alessandro Pisani

Creative Director

9:00 - 9:45

watch the recording

Delégo supervision system, in-depth training and configuration with Dico IP video door phone

Attend our webinar dedicated to the configuration of the Delégo supervision system with the Delégo Panels and the Dico IP video door phone. Learn how to configure this solution both in a local network via SIP protocol and remotely through the Dico and Delégo app.

Claudio Caldera

Product Manager

9:00 - 10:45

watch the recording

Signum, 20Venti, Touch&Control

Discover how the new KNX Signum, 20Venti buttons and the Touch&Control room controller can contribute to better room management. This webinar is designed to offer an in-depth look at the features, applications and benefits of these innovative tools and the information needed to maximise the efficiency and comfort of buildings.

Manuele Perrone

Product Manager

9:00 - 10:00

watch the recording

In-depth Dico

Discover the features and design of Dico, the latest innovation from Ekinex. The IP Video Door Station integrates seamlessly with the Delégo supervision system to ensure proper access management for all types of buildings. Thanks to the deep learning algorithm and the motion detection technology of the dual cameras, Dico can be used for residential and commercial applications for the implementation of intelligent access control.

Ivo Panero

Product Manager

9:00 - 9:45

watch the recording

Consumption data, smart decisions: discover Ekinex metering

Valerio Cappelli
Product Manager

9:00 - 9:45
More information

Invisible Player: a new way to experience and perceive sound

Ivo Panero
Product Manager

9:00 - 9:45
More information

Compatibility of Ekinex solutions with third-party systems

Ivo Panero
Product Manager

Manuele Perrone
Product Manager

9:00 - 9:45
More information

New Delégo and Delégo Panels

Claudio Caldera
Software R&D Manager

9:00 - 10:00
More information

The New Dico video door phone

Ivo Panero
Product Manager

9:00 - 9:45
More information

In-depth Planner Webinar

Alessandro Pisani
Creative Director

9:00 - 10:00
More information

Climatic Comfort

Stefano Galli
Sales Technical Support Manager

9:00 - 10:00
More information

Delégo Server: general overview and introduction to programming

Claudio Caldera
Software R&D Manager

9:00 - 10:00
More information

Presentation of new Who We Are Tech catalogue and Sales Kit range

Alessandro Pisani
Creative Director

9:00 - 9:45
More information

Delégo supervision system, in-depth training and configuration with Dico IP video door phone

Claudio Caldera
Software R&D Manager

9:00 - 10:45
More information

Signum, 20Venti, Touch&Control

Manuele Perrone
Product Manager

9:00 - 10:00
More information

In-depth Dico

Ivo Panero
Product Manager

9:00 - 9:45
More information
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