
Lighting management and dimming

Delégo, through its interface, it allows the control of lights, their intensity, the switching on and off; each lighting device can be managed individually or be part of scenarios, making the system flexible to your needs.

  • Control directly the on/off lights' type by tapping on the status icon. Likewise, dimmed and RGB terminals' type, can be switched on and off directly from this menu
  • Set the light intensity manually or select a preselected set-up. By accessing the schedule slider, it is possible to create/modify the time slots on a weekly basis, setting the desired dimming percentage for each slot.
  • Adjust the desired light colour by acting on the circular colour palette: the colours on the circumference of the palette have maximum saturation, whereas moving towards the centre they have lower levels of saturation. Set the brightness using the selector in the outer circular frame.

Lighting management via smartphone or tablet can be convenient in any space, at home as well as in the office, also in compliance with the principles of energy saving and environmental impact.

Configuration options

  • Lighting control ON-OFF
  • Brightness control (Dimmer)
  • RGBW Led regulation control

The configuration of the functions is made easier by the possibility of importing the ETS project into the Delégo server.

The On/Off function is associated, including status indication, with the switching on (On) and switching off (Off) of the controlled lamp. All this can be integrated into the scenarios and the scheduled time slots that the user wishes to define.

With the dimmer function it is possible to regulate the brightness of the lamps, with an indication of their status.

By dragging the pointer on the graphic component, you can adjust the light intensity from the lowest to the highest level. This can be integrated into the scenarios and the planned time schedule that the user wishes to define.

By accessing the time profile, it is possible to create/modify the time slot events on a weekly basis, setting the desired dimming percentage for each slot.

This function enables the management of RGB(W) coloured lights;

It is possible to select the colour range and define interactively which colour the RGB light should take on, set the luminaire brightness level and store one or more favourite colours, which can be recalled at any time. All this can be integrated into the scenarios and the planned time schedule that the user wishes to define.

The RGB widget has full compatibility with Amazon and Google voice assistants that use HSB (Hue, Saturation, Brightness) colour schemes.

Easy import of ETS projects during the configuration activity via the Delégo server menu.

Delégo supervision enables you to plan the behaviour of all the graphic components visible in the graphic pages Environments and Functions on a weekly basis: the server sends the commands at the selected time even while away from the premises, in a completely automatic way.

In desktop visualisation screens and apps for mobile devices, the user can create, modify and delete time schedules to have complete control of his automation system: a practical graphic component with coloured bands indicates the different operating times.

For each program, the user can enter at the set time the desired status change events that correspond to predefined characteristics of all visible graphic components:

  • lights on/off: switching on and off
  • dimmed lights: on/off and brightness
  • climate: comfort, standby, night and protection
  • motorizations: opening and closing

The activity can be activated on the desired days of the week, they can be stopped during periods of absence or holiday; at any time the hourly schedule can be temporarily suspended.

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