
How can we help you? Choose the type of assistance you need. Our team is here to provide you with maximum support.

Sales Support

Fill out the form to request information or commercial assistance on the market. You will be contacted by one of our sales representatives.

I have read and accept the following the information on the processing of personal data
I hereby authorize Ekinex Spa to use the data provided by me to send me promotional and commercial communications.

Technical Support

Fill in the following form to open a technical support ticket for Ekinex products. In the problem description, please specify:

  • the nature of the problem
  • the product concerned,
  • the origin of the product (purchased from....)

The ticketing system will take care of your request and send you an e-mail confirming that the ticket has been opened, indicating the person who is in charge of your request and who will provide you with support within 2 working days.

During all subsequent communications it is important not to change the subject of the e-mail and the main addressee, which are essential for the correct tracking of the individual ticket.

I have read and accept the following the information on the processing of personal data
I hereby authorize Ekinex Spa to use the data provided by me to send me promotional and commercial communications.

Book a consultation

Thanks to the online consultancy service you can book a session with our dedicated personal assistants who will support you in all your requests and needs, to develop your ideas and design your smarthome, according to your preferences and needs, directly from your home.

The service, active from Monday to Friday from 9.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. (CET), is free of charge.

What could we do together?
  1. Browse the catalogues with the latest Ekinex news
  2. Answer all your questions regarding Ekinex wall-mounted products and system components
  3. Choose the combination of finishes and colours you like best and select text and symbols with the Ekinex Planner
  4. Sharing useful design elements, such as floor plans and photographs
Fill in the form and we will contact you to arrange a digital appointment
I have read and accept the following the information on the processing of personal data
I hereby authorize Ekinex Spa to use the data provided by me to send me promotional and commercial communications.

Sales Support

Commercial pre-sales service dedicated to all commercial requests: price lists, discounts, offers, specifications, etc...
More information

Technical Support

After-sales service dedicated to all technical queries arising from the purchase and use of an Ekinex product.
More information

Book a consultation

A personal assistant service dedicated to all requests for advice for those who want to explore the endless possibilities of combining and using Ekinex products.
More information
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