Case histories KNX Products

The entire range of KNX products developed by Ekinex is used for the automation of both residential and commercial buildings: private households, offices, hotels, public’s institution building, schools and universities, hospitals, shops and shopping malls. To further confirm the efficacy of the KNX standards in reducing the energy consumption and magnify the energy efficiency, our technicians have prepared some case studies and insights of KNX applications developed by Ekinex and its partners. Thermoregulation, energy efficiency, lighting control, security’s system supervision and many other ad-hoc solution can be created, based on the clients requirements, thanks to the KNX standard: discover them all.

Ořechovka Apartment

This residential project is a timeless flat located in the city centre of Prague.

Wed, 7 August 2024
Cantina Bottenago

Cantina Bottenago, located in Polpenazze del Garda, province of Brescia, is a winery that combines innovation and tradition and includes areas for the production of fine wines with an attached restaurant.

Fri, 12 July 2024
A smarthome with an amazing view on Sydney skyline

The Horizon Apartments, built between 1990 and 1998 on a project by the Austro-Australian architect Harry Seidler, is one of Sydney's historic residential skyscrapers overlooking the Pacific Ocean, the Opera House and the Harbor Bridge.

Fri, 11 September 2020

They might interest you

Villa 85, Cairo Festival City

Cairo Festival City is one of the most remarkable and renowned real estate complexes in Cairo and Egypt, owned by the Al-Futtaim conglomerate and offering a wide range of services, infrastructure and residential and commercial opportunities.

Fri, 6 September 2024

Freshwater is a functional family home that stands out for its visual elegance. The precise, sharp edges of the architectural design create a framed view that draws the eye inwards and towards the bright greenery of the central courtyard.

Tue, 30 July 2024
Tritone Luxury Suites, Fontana del Tritone

Nestled in the heart of the Eternal City, in the central and picturesque Via Del Tritone is an exclusive and luxurious accommodation that embodies the qualities of style and sophistication.

Fri, 26 July 2024
DK-AI showroom in Shenzhen

The new DK-AI technology Ltd., Co showroom is an innovative project set to open in 2023 and is located in the city of Shenzhen, China.

Mon, 22 July 2024
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