

Title: EKINEX S.p.A.
CEO: Gianni Storti
Province head office: NOVARA
Tax code/VAT number: 02579690039
REA number: 245055
Dispute resolution: Court of Novara (Italy)


© Copyright 2018-2019, EKINEX S.p.A. Vaprio d'Agogna (Novara), Italy
All rights reserved. Text, images, graphics, animations and videos on the ekinex web pages are protected by copyright and other commercial protective rights. The content of these web sites may not be copied, disseminated, altered or made accessible to third parties for commercial purposes. Some ekinex web pages also contain pictures subject to third party copyrights.

ekinex is a registered trademark of EKINEX S.p.A.
KNX and ETS are registered trademark of KNX Association cvba, Bruxelles

Content of the web site

EKINEX S.p.A. makes every effort to keep the content of the ekinex web site topical, correct and complete. Despite thorough control and updating, errors can not be ruled out completely.
EKINEX S.p.A. can not guarantee the topicality, correctness and completeness of the information contained in its website. Liability claims regarding any damage, caused by the use of information provided on these sites, will therefore be rejected.
All offers are not-binding and without obligation. EKINEX S.p.A. reserves the right to change, extend or partly or completely delete parts of the pages or the complete publication, including all offers and information, without separate announcement.

External referrals and links

There are links and referrals on the ekinex website that lead to external websites, whose content and updating are not subject to our sphere of influence. The author of the respective external website is exclusively responsible for its content. EKINEX S.p.A. therefore dissociates itsself explicitly from any external content and reject liability for it.


Unless otherwise specified, all trademarks on ekinex web pages are protected under trademark law. This applies, in particular, to ekinex trademarks, type signets, company logos and emblems. The marks and design elements used on the ekinex web site are intellectual property of EKINEX S.p.A., Italy.

Warranty note

This web site was compiled with utmost care. EKINEX S.p.A. can nonetheless not vouch for the accuracy of the information provided. EKINEX S.p.A. hereby precludes all liability for damage resulting directly or indirectly from use of this web site, except in the case of wilful misconduct or gross negligence on the part of EKINEX S.p.A.

License note

The intellectual property contained in the ekinex web site, e.g. patents, marks and copyrights, is protected. This web site does not grant a license for use of intellectual property of EKINEX S.p.A. or third parties.

Legal note

EKINEX  S.p.A. thanks you for visiting this web site and for your interest in the ekinex devices. All personal data entered on the ekinex web site will be stored, and processed exclusively for the purpose of providing a personal service to you, to send you product information or to submit service offers to you. EKINEX S.p.A. warrants that your data will be subject to strict confidentiality in accordance with data protection law regulations.

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