• About us
  • About us

About us


We believe in technology that makes life easier
We develop devices that make everyday gestures easier.
Our scenario is the whole world. 
We want to combine technology and design
To give life to something unique
that combines two seemingly distant worlds. 

Ekinex is an initiative developed in 2012 thanks to a group of technical experts in automation and in particular of the KNX standard. After the development of a first set of certified products, in 2014 officially it published its website for the global market, operation that allows it to connect with the many operators of the home and building automation, architects and interior designers.

To date, Ekinex is directly present in 91 countries around the world by exporting its know-how and typically Italian quality design. Our research and development laboratories have created control systems for homes and buildings that combine the value of home automation technology and innovation, the aesthetics of design and attention to detail.

On July 2019, Ekinex S.p.A. signs an important agreement by selling a minority share to Caleffi S.p.A. and entering into an important group, leader for almost sixty years in the hydro-thermo-sanitary sector.

To learn more about our history, company structure, products and see some of our projects, download the company presentation.

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