Streamer amplifier 50Wx8




EK-50Q-AU is a multi-room system that enables you to enjoy your favorite music anywhere in your home. EK-50Q-AU contains 4 audio amplifiers for you to connect to 4 set of stereo speakers. Each zone also contains analog and digital audio outputs for you to use as audio source. You can easily play music from online music services, your phone storage, NAS and other sources by using the 4Stream app on your iOS or Android device.

System Requirements
  • High Speed Internet Connection: EK-50Q-AU needs internet connection to stream music from online music services and to get online firmware updates. You may experience performance issues with slower internet connections.
  • Wireless Router: In order to use EK-50Q-AU, you will need to have a working Wi-Fi network in your home, since the control APP on your mobile device need to be in the same network as the streamer.
Font Panel
  1. Power Button
  2. Streaming Indicator – LED on when streaming.
  3. Input Source Indicator – LED Color: White for Network Audio, Green for Line in 1 (Zone Line in), Yellow for Line in 2 (Master Line in), Magenta for Master Optical in, Cyan for Master Coaxial in, Red for USB.
  4. Network Indicators – LED on when network is available.
Back Panel
  1. Pre-Out
  2. Line in (Line 1 in APP)
  3. Digital Coaxial Out
  4. Digital Optical In
  5. USB port
  6. Speaker out
  7. Stereo/Bridge mode switch
  8. Master Line In
  9. Master Coaxial In 
  10. Master Optical In
  11. Reset Button
  12. RS232 Pass Through Port
  13. RS232 Port
  14. Network Output
  15. Network Input
  16. Voltage Selection Switch (115V/230V)
  17. Power Plug
Placing your EK-50Q-AU

EK-50Q-AU size is standard 2U size, you can easily install into an equipment rack. Attached the included rack mounting brackets on each side of EK-50Q-AU if you want to mount it on to a standard EIA equipment rack.

  • Align the rack mounting brackets with the screw holes on the side and screw in the screws tightly
Zone Connection

You can play the same audio source in all four zone at the same time, you can also play different audio sources in different zones.

Connect Your Speakers

Connect your stereo speaker to the speaker output using the phoenix connector. You can also switch to Bridge mode (BR) to connect to a Mono speaker.

Connect to External Amplifier or AV Receiver

Connect the LINE OUT output to the input on your amplifier or AV receiver using the appropriate cable. EK-50Q- AU supports both analog output (RCA) and digital output (Coaxial).

Connect to External Subwoofer

Connect the LINE OUT “L” output to the input on your active subwoofer or subwoofer amplifier

Connect to Network

Connect EK-50Q-AU to your home router using a LAN cable to add it into your home network. You can use the NETWORK OUT port to connect another device to the same network.

Functions / Features
  • Amplification: Each zone can provide 50Wx2@8ohms (stereo mode) or 100W@4ohms (bridge mode).
  • Multi-room audio function: Play different songs in different rooms or same song in every room.
  • Easy network setup: Connect to your home network and it is ready to use.
  • Rich I/O interface: Each zone has separate digital input/output and analog input/output. There is also a master source input that all zones can used at the same time.
Configurationa and commissioning
  • Installation, electrical connection, configuration and commissioning of the device can only be carried out by qualified personnel.
  • Opening the housing of the device causes the immediate end of the warranty period.
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