Actuator / controller 8-fold for electrothermal valve drives

DIN-Rail mount modules



The Ekinex® EK-HE1-TP actuator / controller allows to control electrothermal actuators or servomotors in hydronic systems for room heating and / or cooling. The device can perform the function of simple actuator in combination with one or more KNX room thermostats or that of actuator / controller with acquisition of the temperature value by one or more KNX sensors. The device is suitable for 2 or 4-pipe hydraulic distribution systems with ON / OFF control of electrothermal shut-off valve actuators. The device is fitted with membrane pushbuttons for manual command and LED’s for status indication; a pushbutton allows to switch between automatic and manual operation modes. The device integrates a KNX bus communication module and is realized for mounting on a standard 35 mm DIN-rail. The device is supplied by the KNX bus and requires an additional 230 Vac power supply to operate.

Technical data
Power supply
  • Voltage (loads) 230 Vac 50/60 Hz
  • Voltage (electronics) 30 Vdc by KNX bus
  • 8 TRIAC relays to control ON / OFF zone valve drives

Delivery includes a terminal block for connection to the bus.

Functions / Features
  • Plastic casing
  • Frontal programming pushbutton and LED
  • Membrane keyboard with LED’s for status indication
  • Pushbutton for switching operating mode (normal / programming)
  • Connection to bus line with KNX terminal block
  • Connection of outputs and 230 Vac power supply with screw terminals
  • Classification climatic 3K5 and mechanical 3M2 (according to EN 50491-2)
  • Overvoltage class III (according to EN 60664-1)
  • Pollution degree 2 (according to IEC 60664-1)
  • 35 mm rail mounting (according to EN 60715)
  • 4 modular units (1 MU = 18 mm)
  • IP20 protection degree (installed device)
  • Weight 160 g
Configurationa and commissioning

A detailed description of the parameters can be found in the application manual of the device. Configuration and commissioning require ETS5 or later versions. ETS application program: APEKHE1TP##.knxprod (## = release). 

  • v. 1.2 (04/05/2021)
  • PDF | 2,7 MB
  • Download
  • v. 0.1 (17/05/2021)
  • KNXPROD | 168,7 KB
  • Download
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