• Navigation by functions, maps, summaries
  • Navigation by functions, maps, summaries

Navigation by functions, maps, summaries

Delégo System


A pleasant experience from the very first use

Delégo guarantees a pleasant and extremely intuitive navigation experience everywhere: thanks to the icons navigation menu it allows access to the control of the different functions and allows the control of every device in the premises.

For each of the rooms the user immediately receives an overview of the system status: on/off, open/close, intensity, angle, temperature, CO2 level, relative humidity or tVOC.

  • From the home screen you can access the main functions of your property.
  • It displays the status of the systems in the various rooms of the building: on/off, intensity, etc.
  • Receive the status of temperature, relative humidity or CO2 for each room.

Display on maps and synoptics

The Delégo system enables you to insert graphic maps of your property to view the real position of each device, monitor the status and access the dedicated control screen to modify its parameters.

For the management of complex technological systems, such as a thermal power station for example, a technical diagram of the systems can be entered on top of which the monitoring and control of different types of equipment can be included.

The visualization through graphic maps is available for PC, tablet and wall panels.

The Delégo app for smartphones, in correspondence of the maps, shows the list as a text list of the functions displayed. Maps can be used to create synoptics in which lighting components, for example, are placed on space renderings. Alternatively the maps allow the display of a utility room with all the system components and the main monitoring and control values.

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