

What is KNX?

KNX is the worldwide STANDARD for all applications in home and building control, ranging from lighting, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, shutter control, security systems, monitoring, alarming, energy management, smart metering as well as household appliances, audio/video and a lot more. 

Shortly, a KNX installation consists of sensors, actuators, system devices and a transmission medium (TP1 installation: 2-wires twisted-pair bus cable).

A sensor is a home automation device that sends commands, controls or adjustments to other home automation devices. Sensors may be for example pushbuttons, thermostats, motion or presence detectors, or brightness temperature sensors, touch-screen units, weather stations, etc. Each of these devices detects a physical quantity and encodes it in a message (telegram) which then sends on the bus.

An actuator is a home automation device that receives commands, controls or adjustments sent by other home automation devices. Actuators may be for example binary outputs, dimmer, output units for motor drives, actuators for HVAC terminals, display units, etc. Each of these devices receives a message (telegram) from the bus and translates it in an action for which it was configured: on, off, brightness adjustment, motor running, displaying information, etc.

KNX has been defined for the digital transmission on twisted-pair cables (KNX-TP), powerline on power supply cables (KNX-PL), wireless as radio frequency (KNX-RF) and through the Internet Protocol on data networks (KNX-IP). There are also KNX devices that use the wireless transmission infrared (IR) for local communication between sensor and actuator within a room.

Many useful information are available simply accessing the website of the international association www.knx.org. If your interest is of a professional kind (you are a planner, an installer or a system integrator) you can deep your knowledge buying a copy of the KNX Handbook for Home and Building Control, available in several languages. The next step may be to take part to a training course at a KNX-certificated training center.

The KNX Partner Ranking is a rating system especially designed for KNX partners whereby KNX partners are displayed on the KNX partner website based on their strengths. These strengths are represented through five categories: knowledge, tools, engagement, realized KNX projects and customer feedback. The goal of the KNX Partner ranking system is to help the end customer find the right KNX partner.

Other FAQs


Ekinex is the new way for home and building automation systems on the base of KNX standard. We combine quality, security and Made in Italy design.

General information

Simple answers to questions which may not be clear to everyone, like for instance “What does Home & Building automation actually mean”, “How can it help me spare”, “What does it allow me to achieve”.


Ekinex Bus devices are equipped with the standars KNX terminal block connection; they are networked with a shielded and twisted bus cable.

DIN-Rail mount modules

The following are some FAQs (frequently asked questions) about KNX products, collected upon recurrent questions that customer asked us.


BIM stands for Building Information Modeling and indicates a methodology aimed at optimizing and managing the design and construction of a building.


All Ekinex products and KNX standard are compliant with international and European regulations about quality, performance and safety conditions.


Ekinex devices can be configured and commissioned wiht the ETS software tool, available at the KNX online shop, together with the ekinex product database.


The DALI (Digital Addressable Lighting Interface) protocol is an international standard for digital lighting control.

Air quality

An integrated home automation system with air quality sensors can constantly monitor humidity, CO2 and pollutant levels, automatically activating ventilation or air purifiers to ensure a healthy and comfortable environment.

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