Thu, 9 November 2023

Revélo Under Bed Lift TV is the winner of the 2023 Archiproducts Design Awards

It is with great pride that we announce that our made in Italy Revélo Under Bed Lift TV has won the prestigious 2023 Archiproducts Design Awards for the Tech and Lifestyle category. 

The aim of the Archiproducts Design Awards is to promote and celebrate cooperation between design and brands, with a special focus on the ability of projects to improve the quality of everyday life, as well as that of people.

The international jury includes some of the world's most renowned architecture and design firms, journalists, architectural photographers and creative directors. The judges examined candidate products from all over the world, recognising a particular value to the best solutions with distinctive features in terms of originality, uniqueness and innovation.

Discover Revélo - Under Bed Lift TV


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