
20venti Series

The aesthetic style of a product with clean and essential lines, exact and harmonious volumes.

A new icon of Ekinex style

KNX technology combined with a wide range of finishes make the 20venti series a contemporary proposal that finds its place in homes, offices and hotels.


Welcome to the world of Ekinex

When technology meets design.


Create your own project, define the requirements of a system, choose the most suitable finishes and give a personal touch to the pushbuttons.
Define the requirements for your project and enter the world of Ekinex!


The BIM library is available in Autodesk Revit® 2019/2021 format. By installing our Ekinex BIM Content Creator software you will get access to a real advanced configurator of Ekinex product range.


Download the technical documentation, catalog, brochures, technical guides and more regarding Ekinex solutions.

Sales Kit
Sales Kit

Eight unique tools, eight unique ways to introduce and show Ekinex solutions everywhere.

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