Fri, 15 December 2023

Casa Sedici Tre

Application context

Casa Sedici Tre is a flat located in the heart of Turin, within the historical noble palace of the Counts Callori. The initial project, started in the mid-19th century, underwent modifications to its dimensions in the following century. Today, the flat boasts a remarkable size of 600 m2, combining different areas of the original building such as stained glass windows, wooden and seeded floors, frescoes and other pictorial decorations. The design incorporated lines and volumes that could be well integrated with the complexity of the pre-existing historical elements, in order not to weigh down an already originally rich and articulated environment.

Client's requirements

The idea that guided the project was to combine the historical character sections of the building with typically contemporary elements without distorting the environment, but preserving it. To achieve this goal, the choice of colours and materials that enriched the space was carefully studied to create an elegant and refined continuity with the historical inserts. The architect and designer Fabio Fantolino, as in all his projects, has included elements that tell of his own unmistakable artistic identity. The attention to balancing aesthetic and functional taste and the client's requirements are the aspects that guided the realisation of this project, as well as all the architect's other interventions.

Ekinex Solutions

To complete the elaborate design of Casa Sedici Tre, Ekinex wall-mounted controls were used, which integrate well with the flat's articulated furnishing elements:

Studio Fantolino

Architect and designer Fabio Fantolino founded a first studio in Turin in 2001 and a second in Milan in 2014.
One of the elements that distinguishes the projects is the architect's creative taste that blends with a deep knowledge of international design.

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