FAQ - KNX Thermal Regulation
What is a fan coil controller for?
The Ekinex KNX Fan coil is able to control a fan speed in heating or cooling applications.
Speeds are automatically managed proportionally to the difference detected between the room temperature and the temperature set by the user on the thermostat or Touch Screen. For further information click here.
What are the difference among the 3 fan coil controllers on the Ekinex catalog?
The 3-speed fan coil actuator is applied to terminals with 2-pipe hydraulic distribution and is able to control the 3 speed levels of the fan through its 3 relay outputs.
The 0-10V Fan Coil actuator is always applied to terminals with 2-pipe hydraulic distribution and is able to control a brushless motor with a fan speed set as a percentage.
Then, there is the most complete version, The 3-speed and 0-10V Fan Coil actuator, applied to terminals with 2-pipe or 4-pipe hydraulic distribution, which is able to control a 3-speed fan or a 0-10 V brushless motor fan. It is also equipped with a membrane keyboard and indication LED on the front.
What are the differences between a 2-pipe and a 4-pipe plant?
A 2-pipe system performs either heating or cooling, as needed, through a common water circuit, while a 4-pipe system is made of separated supply and return pipes for heating and cooling.
Which device can support a fluid regulation both for heating and cooling?
The Ekinex HH1 controller for mixing groups is a big news in the KNX world: it is a device allowing a supply temperature control of the heating fluid in heating and cooling plants.
The device is very versatile, as it allows several regulation modes: 5 for heating and 4 for cooling; it is possible to set different modes for winter and summer. The controller is equipped with a backlighted LCD text display allowing the monitoring of all operating parameters. In case of radiant panel plants used for summer cooling, an ideal use is in combination with Ekinex EQ2 room thermostats equipped with temperature and relative humidity sensors.
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